With so many people on your list and no time for checking it twice, holiday shopping can be extremely stressful. What do you buy? Where do you start? Well you start here in Dunwoody, because we know shopping. Go big at Perimeter Mall, our mecca of hospitality and high fashion, or go boutique with some of our local shops. Either way, your holiday shopping will be easier than never before. We even created a #DunwoodyGiftGuide to help you get things started so you can have less hustle, and more holiday. Consider it our gift to you, and consider us Your Holiday Haven.

Buddy the Elf Gif


Don't forget to get social! Share your holiday finds with us @DiscoverDunwoody on Instagram and @DunwoodyGA on Facebook. You can also find even more holiday gift ideas by following our #DunwoodyGiftGuide hashtag.

Your Holiday Haven

Once you've finished all your shopping, why not use all that extra free time you just earned to plan a holiday getaway to Dunwoody? Our abundance of enticing happenings combined with that local charm signature of a southern town is what keeps people coming back here time and time again.



Click here to see all the merry and bright things going on this holiday season. We've got events for everyone on your list, too!